How many points do I need for PR?
We are often asked by clients how many points do you need to receive an invitation for general skilled migration. The answer for this question depends on which visa you are applying for. It can also depend on other factors such as what occupation you are applying...
491 Family Sponsored Visa | Requirements & Process
491 Family Sponsored Visa Can a family member sponsor my visa to Australia?491 Family Sponsored VisaThis visa is probably the most common visa for family sponsored visas. The visa is an open 5 year work visa that converts to permanent residency. The problem with this...
QLD State Migration (Subclass 190 or 491)
This article will discuss the eligibility requirements and process of applying for QLD State Migration. You would apply for QLD State Migration when you are applying for the State Nominated Visa (Subclass 190) or Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 491). This article will...
5 Most Popular IT & Tech Courses
5 Most Popular IT & Tech Courses IT Courses will skill you in occupations that are in demand in Australia and over the world. The courses below are some of the most popular IT courses and technology courses that international students can learn in Australia.Advanced...
408 Visa – Temporary Activity Visa for COVID-19
Subclass 408 visa COVID-19 Pandemic Visa In response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, immigration has announced a new stream of the subclass 408 visa, specifically for temporary visa holders who are stuck in Australia with a visa expiring.COVID-19 Pandemic Visa This visa may...
Coronavirus – Recent Immigration announcements
-UPDATED 20 July 2020 This article is updated with some commonly asked questions for internationals who are currently in Australia. Below are some commonly asked questions: STUDENT AND GRADUATE WORK VISA UPDATES Immigration has released a joint media...
The De Facto Relationship Requirement
The De Facto Relationship Requirement To be able to apply for any partner visa or be include your partner as a secondary applicant on your student visa, you must be classified as a member of the family unit. To be assessed as a member of the family unit you must be...
NSW State Migration
NSW State Migration The article discusses the eligibility requirements and process of applying for NSW State Migration. It will discuss recent trends, why is it so popular, the eligibility requirements and the selection process.What is State Migration? You apply for...
Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional Visa (subclass 494)
Subclass 494 Visa Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional VisaSkilled Employer Sponsored Regional VisaThe Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa (Subclass 494) is the new employee sponsored visa for regional areas. It will replace the previous Regional Employer...
Gold Coast and Perth Are Now Regional Areas! How Does it Affect You.
The Gold Coast and Perth are now classified as Regional Areas! This change was made by immigration to attempt to divert migrants from the major cities of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Immigration has also increased the number of regional visas to 25,000 regional...
Skilled Nominated Visa – Subclass 190
Subclass 190 Visa Skilled Nominated VisaSkilled Nominated Visa The Skilled Nominated Visa – Subclass 190 is often referred to as the State Nominated Visa. It's one of the General Skilled Migration together with This is a permanent visa that does not require employer...
491 Visa Australia | Requirements, Points & Processing Time
491 Visa enables skilled workers and their families to live, work and study in designated regional areas of Australia.