What do you do as a Plasterer?
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What do you do as a Plasterer?

Published: Jul 14, 2020

Solid Plasterers apply decorative and protective coverings of plaster, cement and similar materials to the interiors and exteriors of structures. A plasterer also does the following in a normal day:

  • Fixes pre-cast cornices, panel mouldings, ceiling centres and other plaster fittings.
  • Covers joins and nail holes with wet plaster and sealing compounds, and smoothes them using wet brushes and sand paper.
  • Mixes and applies coats of plaster, cement and render to structures using trowels, and levels and smoothes coats to uniform thickness.
  • Plumbs and straightens corners, angles and wall and ceiling surfaces.
  • Creates decorative textures in finishing coats.
What do you do as a Plasterer? was last modified: July 14th, 2020 by PTA

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