What do you do as a Scuba, Snorkelling and Dive Instructor?
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Help Center | What do you do as a Scuba, Snorkelling and Dive Instructor?

What do you do as a Scuba, Snorkelling and Dive Instructor?

Published: Jul 31, 2020

Scuba, snork and Dive instructors train and instruct recreational or commercial open water divers in diving techniques, safety and the correct use of diving equipment.
Typical tasks of a Scuba, Snorkelling and Dive Instructor include:

  • Coaching, training and instructing sportspersons by analysing performances and developing abilities.
  • Motivating sportspersons and supervising practice.
  • Promoting sports and skills development and oversees participation in sport.
What do you do as a Scuba, Snorkelling and Dive Instructor? was last modified: July 31st, 2020 by PTA

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