If you are looking to complete 88 days of regional specified work to obtain your second working holiday visa then you will be required to go fruit picking (or work in regional Australia). You may also just be looking to earn some extra cash for your travels or possibly bored of your city job and want to see the real Australia. The fluidity of the workforce in fruit picking is great. You can choose to work hours, days, weeks or months.
How much will you get paid:
Usually you will be paid on the basis of how much fruit you pick and what farm you work. So for some fruits you will get paid per bin, bucket, punet or weight. For example you may get paid $20 for a bucket of apples. You could also be paid on a per hour basis. Generally you can expect to hear about $14 – $20 per hour
Please be aware that some fruits will pay a lot more than others. Do your research. The further away you go from major cities, generally speaking the more money you will earn.
How much will you save:
Well this question definitely depends on how hard you work, what fruit you pick, accommodation arrangements etc… Generally speaking you can expect to save about $200 – $500 per week. This is once you have taken out the cost of food, accommodation and travel
What are the best fruits to pick:
Please be aware that because you get paid on the basis of how much you pick, it may be wise to choose what fruit you pick. Word from experienced backpackers is that strawberries are the best crops to pick and one of the highest money earners. Avocados are also good earners.
What are the worst fruits to pick:
Many working holiday makers say that onions are easily the worst fruit they have picked.
How to find work:
Not matter what time of the year, there are always farmers who are looking for working holiday makers across Australia to pick fruit. Finding work is relatively easy. Here are some simple steps to follow:
Step 1: Find out what fruit is in season
To find out what fruit are in season click here. Pick the fruit that is most suited to you. For example some fruit require you to be strong as you will need carry heavy loads of fruit, some fruit require you to pick over hanging fruit an climb ladders etc….
Step 2: Pick where you want to go
Choose the town or location that you would like to work at. Tip: The more difficult the town is to get to, generally speaking the higher pay you will receive.
Step 3: Call up hostels around that area and see if they have any contacts with farmers
Farmers in regional towns are always in contact with the local hostels to find workers. Once you have chosen the location where you would like to work, give the local hostel a call to enquire if they have any work available.
Step 4: Go to the hostel for accommodation and begin work
Make your way to the hostel and begin work. It is common for different hostels to put you in contact with other working holiday makers heading to the same location.
Useful links:
- http://www.downundr.com/jobs-and-work/fruit-picking-and-harvest-work
- http://jobsearch.gov.au/harvesttrail/
However if you go into any hostel or backpackers, there will usually be a number of working holiday makers or staff who will be able to advice you.
Advice from the veterans:
- Take an iPod. The work can be monotonous, so you will want good tunes to brighten the day
- Go with a friend. You could find it a little boring by yourself, although you will be bound to find company in other working holiday makers.
- Drink loads of water
- Take sunscreen and insect repellant
- Take sunglasses.
- Don’t go in summer (It is HOOOOOTTTTT)
Second Working Holiday Visa
The main reason that people undertake fruit picking is to obtain the second working holiday visa. However be sure to get the right documents from the farmer to prove that you worked. Check this link for how to obtain your second working holiday visa extension.